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Pastor's Blog: The Work of the Church

Tabernacle Baptist Church

The work of the church involves both evangelism and discipleship. And regardless of what happens circumstantially we must find a way to press on in Jesus’ Name. The pandemic and associated lockdown have been a tremendous attack of the enemy on the church of the Living God. But we will press on in spite of that.

Last Wednesday night Brother Nick Dubey made a profession of faith. Lord willing, we will begin next Sunday’s service with baptism! This is a great praise to the Lord our God and we should all rejoice in what the Lord is doing in our midst.

I know that concerns about the Coronavirus are preventing some of you from returning to the church for in-person worship. I fully understand. Many of us are having to make hard decisions about situations relative to the virus and the lockdown on a regular basis; decisions we would not be faced with under more normal circumstances. I urge you to trust in the Lord with all your heart! (Proverbs 3:5-6) He is our constant guide and support.

On the matter of attending church, we are doing all we can to make the worship experience a safe and healthy environment. Of course, if you are feeling ill you should stay home. Otherwise, I believe it is safe for you to attend.

Last Sunday I had the privilege of preaching in a Bible Conference at Liberty Baptist Church in Hartwell, Georgia. The title of my message was “Set Free from the Pit,” from Zechariah 9:9-12. One of our great sources of rejoicing and hope is the fact that Jesus is our coming King! He is coming again and though we are prisoners, we are prisoners with hope. Not wishful thinking style hope, but confident assurance hope. The video is available here:

This Sunday we will continue our series in the Book of Daniel. Remember, sermon notes are available on line and printed copies are available in the foyer area. We will be in Chapter 2 of Daniel looking at “The Time of the Gentiles.”

We have a tentative start date to Sunday School now of September 13. We will continue to assess the situation as we draw nearer to that date.

I am looking forward to being with you on Wednesday night in the worship center for our prayer service which we will also stream live on Facebook at 6:15 pm. I will likely do the teaching from home and it will be broadcast on the screen in the Worship Center. We will be looking at “Five Principles for Obeying God’s Will,” a series of instructions from Evangelist Bill Sturm.

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together – once again, in-person!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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