The preparation…
The coming of Christ is taking place
The announcement of the birth of John the Baptist
The messiah is coming
Zechariah and Elizabeth – vv. 5-9
Their character
Righteous before God
Walking blamelessly in God’s statues and commands
Their circumstances
No children
Society would have questioned their obedience to God
Their calling
Once in a lifetime for priestBoth faithful and serving…IN SPITE OF CIRCUMSTANCES
Altar of incense. Prayers lifted up to God
Serving = Do what the Lord has called us to do
Gabriel’s presence and Message – vv. 10-17
Do not be afraid – v. 13
Your prayer has been heard – v. 13
You will bear a son
You shall call him John
You will have joy and gladness
Many will rejoice at his birth
He will be great before the Lord
He will be filled with the Holy Spirit
Even from his mothers womb
He will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord
He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah
Turn hearts
Make ready =for the Lord a people prepared
This is the FIRST VOICE OF GOD SINCE MALACHI…over 400 years.
Zechariah’s Reaction – v. 18
How shall I know this
He is standing before Gabriel?????
Has he forgotten about Abraham and Sarah?????
Before we judge… we must remember that no one is perfect. He obviously was a righteous man that was serving the Lord.
A better question should be…. WHAT ARE WE DOUBTING ABOUT WHAT GOD?
Gabriel’s Closing Words – vv. 19-25
I am Gabriel
I stand in the presence of God
I was sent to speak
You will be silent until…
Redemptions History… all points to the Gospel
Over 400 years of silence… Gabriel speaks.
The forerunner is part of redemption history
A bridging of the Old and the New
Altar of incense
Must be holy – set apart
Our prayers to God… only by priest
JESUS FULFILLED…. on through Christ
John the Baptist is pointing to the holy one
His message will be repentance
Their sin…. the need of forgiveness
The need for a HOLY ONE