Since Scripture is inspired and truthful, then it must also be sufficient and necessary.
Sola Scriptura – Scripture alone
Sufficiency of Scripture
The sufficiency of Scripture means that Scripture contained all the words of God he intended His people to have at each stage of redemptive history, and that it now contains everything we need God to tell us for salvation, for trusting Him perfectly, and for obeying Him perfectly. (Wayne Grudem)
Necessity of Scripture
Necessity is an attribute of Scripture whereby it is essential for knowing the way of salvation, for progressing in holiness, and for discerning in God’s will. (Gregg Allision)
Psalm 119 (some many verses!)
Allow Scripture to guide your life.
Scripture enables us to know Him
Scripture enables us to live for Him
We need nothing else
We need to answer the questions of the day through the “lens of Scripture”
How to think about an issue
What to do in a situation
Psalm 32:8 – Instruct, Teach… the way you should go.
It will not answer every question we may ask, but it will answer the questions that pertain to my salvation and holiness! How to know and live for the Lord.
Deut 29:29 – Secret things belong to God
Search Scripture for answers.
We need to answer the questions of the day through the “lens of Scripture”
Not feeling
Not impressions
Not advice from the experts
Search the Word
Do not add to Scripture.
Book of Mormon
Traditions of the Church
Modern day prophet/new word
Adding legalistic requirements