God says go and Jonah said no
If we obey then blessing…if we obey troubles
Out attitude and our actions are closely related
Jonah’s Attitude
His attitude toward God’s Word
Go or No. Luke 6:46-49
Read it. Believe it. Meditate on it. Do it.
His attitude toward God’s Plan and Purpose for His life
It is a trust issue. HE IS GOD (Sovereignty)
Jonah thought God was asking too much
We stop growing, going, following, serving when the cost gets to high (people and churches)
His attitude toward God’s Patience
I have money, I have ship. I am good!
Jonah’s Actions
Lost His direction – v. 3
Fulling His calling and ministry
Nineveh to Tarshish
Do the next thing right (obedience)
A desire to be in the will of God.
Lost His vitality – vv. 5-6
Sleeping on the boat (the blues, depression)
Not preaching… he was a prophet
Captain had to ask him to pray
Lost his impact, influence, and testimony – vv. 7-10
Shipmates saw God’s power ON HIM rather than THROUGH HIM.
He never told them who he was