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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

See and Believe (Luke 11:33-36) - 1/21/24


  • The evil generation is seeking sign.

  • The heart of the evil generation.

  • They were accusing him of not giving enough evidence…show us a sign.

  • Here, Jesus continues His teaching that no new SIGN is coming.

  • Light and Dark

  • Our eyes. Our mind. Our heart

  • Rejecting the LIGHT OF THE WORLD John 8:12

The Light of the Gospel – v. 33

The Gospel is not hidden

  • Light in a cellar or under a basket

  • They were accusing Him of not giving enough evidence… show us a sign

  • The Word is known

  • The Gospel is known

  • The message is not hidden

The Reception of the Gospel – v. 34

The Eye is the lamp of the body

  • The source of light to the body

  • The problem is sight, not light

Good Eye

  • Whole body full of light

  • How we see the Gospel

  • Our perception

  • View of God

  • View of self

  • View of Christ

Body is full of light

  • Spiritually healthy life


Bad eye

  • Whole body full of darkness

  • They could see it, they just could not embrace it

  • Lack of perception

  • View of God

  • View of self

  • View of Christ

Body is full of darkness

  • Moral and spiritual darkness

  • Contrary to the truth of God

  • Fruitless, unpleasing to God

THEREFORE BE CAREFUL lest the light in you be darkness

  • The world thinks themselves so wise and clever

  • Yet, they live in darkness

The Manifestation of the Gospel – v. 36

If then your whole body is full of light

  • Wholly bright

  • No part of darkness

  • Our life displays the light of the Gospel

For those willing to repent and turn from the sin that blinds them, the gift of sight opens up limitless vistas of blessing. The Lord’s language is expansive: Your whole body is full of light, He declared, with no dark part in it … as when the lamp illumines you with its rays. Becoming a believer means having one’s spiritual eyes opened to the truths revealed in God’s Word (Ps. 119:18, 105, 130; 2 Peter 1:19). Having been “called … out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9) Christians walk in the light (1 John 1:5–7), are children of light (Eph. 5:8; 1 Thess. 5:5), and enjoy fellowship with the Light of the world (John 8:12). They are, and eternally will be, grateful for the light that floods their souls through God’s grace.JOHN MACARTHUR, LUKE 11–17, MACARTHUR NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY (CHICAGO, IL: MOODY PUBLISHERS, 2013), 90–91.

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