Why is Sound Doctrine So Important? Part 1 (1 Timothy 4:1-10) - 8/22/21Tabernacle Baptist ChurchAug 29, 20211 min readSermon Outline:THE WARNING- The reason this is importantOUR RESPONSIBILITY - OUR DOCTRINE...- We must make it a priority in our life.- We must dare to live different.- We must make it our life work. For complete sermon notes, visit: https://pastorjonbeck.com/2021/08/21/1-timothy-41-10-if-you-put-these-things-before-the-brothers-you-will-be-a-good-servant-of-christ-jesus/
Sermon Outline:THE WARNING- The reason this is importantOUR RESPONSIBILITY - OUR DOCTRINE...- We must make it a priority in our life.- We must dare to live different.- We must make it our life work. For complete sermon notes, visit: https://pastorjonbeck.com/2021/08/21/1-timothy-41-10-if-you-put-these-things-before-the-brothers-you-will-be-a-good-servant-of-christ-jesus/