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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 6/16/19


  • Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18; Romans 5:1-2

  • Discussion: Consider the implications of Christ being a “merciful and faithful high priest.” How does His work as our mediator lead to us being able to have “access by faith into this grace in which we stand” (Romans 5:2)? How does that impact your worship of Him?

  • Song: “Before the Throne of God Above” by Charitie Lees Bancroft & Vikki Cook


  • Scripture: James 1:2-4; Romans 5:3-5

  • Discussion: How can we “count it all joy” when we endure trials? What has God taught you through pain?

  • Song: “Blessings” by Laura Story


  • Scripture: Romans 5:6-11

  • Discussion: What is justification? How would you explain it to an unbeliever? What are the implications of being reconciled to God?

  • Song: “The Love of God” by Frederick Martin Lehman & Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai

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