Jesus demonstrates His power and authority
Two people… same need (help from a Savior)
The good news is for everyone
Rich ruler. Anonymous women
Real Faith – Come to Jesus
Be well – Touched by the Savior
The Woman
Defiled & Destitute / Discouraged, Desperate and Dependent
By faith she touched his garment
I believe he can…. If I can only TOUCH HIS GARMENT
Immediately and completely healed
Who touched me…Power gone out
Personal, intimate (Jesus knows)
Jesus asked her to declare her faith publicly
He knew who touched Him
Declared in the presence of all
Daughter, your faith has made you well; GO IN PEACE
Daughter. Adopted into the family of God
You treated her as an outcast… I call treat her as one of my children
John 1:12. “He gave the right to become children of God”
Changed forever!
Jairus and his Daughter
Dignified / Discouraged, Desperate and Dependent
Ruler of the synagogue
Directed the service (prayer, reading of Scripture, teaching)
Religion is not enough!
Do not fear, only believe, and she will be well
Fear – Apprehension. Tendency to run away
Faith and fear always stand in opposition. This means that we have a choice to make: either we can be afraid of all the things that might go wrong, and have gone wrong, or we can trust Jesus to see us through. We face this choice all through life. PHILIP GRAHAM RYKEN, LUKE, ED. RICHARD D. PHILLIPS, PHILIP GRAHAM RYKEN, AND DANIEL M. DORIANI, VOL. 1, REFORMED EXPOSITORY COMMENTARY (PHILLIPSBURG, NJ: P&R PUBLISHING, 2009), 414.
She is not dead, she is asleep
She is dead, but death is temporary!!!!!!
John 11:11-14, Acts 7:59-60, 1 Corinthians 15:51, 1 Thess. 4:13-18
He allowed on a few to enter house
Disciples and family
Personal, intimate (personal relationship)
Taking her by the hand he called, saying, child arise
He spoke. She rose
The Word, SPOKE
John borrowed the use of the term Word not only from the vocabulary of the OT but also from Greek philosophy, in which the term was essentially impersonal, signifying the rational principle of “divine reason,” “mind,” or even “wisdom.” John, however, imbued the term entirely with OT and Christian meaning (e.g., Gen. 1:3 where God’s Word brought the world into being; Pss. 33:6; 107:20; Prov. 8:27 where God’s Word is His powerful self-expression in creation, wisdom, revelation, and salvation) and made it refer to a person (i.e., Jesus Christ). JOHN F. MACARTHUR JR., THE MACARTHUR BIBLE COMMENTARY (NASHVILLE: THOMAS NELSON, 2005), JN 1:1.