There was a promise given to Abraham. We are the benefit of that promise.
The birth of our Savior is a wonderful picture of the fulfilment of that promise.
He was justified by his faith.
He demonstrated true saving faith.
We too are justified by faith. Faith in the Righteousness of Christ.
Introduction of Covenants – D.A. Carson (Great insight into the Abrahamic Covenant and the Gospel today)
True Faith Rests on Grace – vv. 13-17
The promise to Abraham and his offspring
Abrahamic Covenant. Genesis 15
Heir of the world (from the land… to the world)
Not through the law, but through faith
Law brings wrath. Exposes our sinfulness
Law was not given to save, but to show the need of salvation
Promise rests on grace (Grace gives. Faith receives)
The ultimate guarantee is God’s faithfulness (not ours)
Guaranteed (Jew and Gentile)
Father of many nations. Genesis 17:5
Christ to the church. All the nations Matthew 28:19-20
Gives life to the dead
Abrahams and Sarah’s condition
New life in Christ.
True Faith Produces Hope – vv. 18-22
Hope in God’s promises
Taking God at His Word
Not considering his own body (old, without child)
Grew strong…God was able to do
Fully convinced. Trusting God
True Faith is Necessary Today– vv. 23-25
Counted to him…not for his sake alone. Ours also.
Written for his sake alone. Romans 15:4 – For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (ESV)
Believe in Him
Continue belief in who God is. (Then. Now)
Delivered. Sins Forgiven
Raised for our justification