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Family Devotional Guide - 1/23/22

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Day 1

  • Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:6-7

  • Discussion: Paul stated clearly that he desired that the church at Corinth would “not go beyond what is written.” In this letter, he was making sure that the Bible was the ultimate authority for the church so that they would not be “puffed up.” In light of that, he asks questions to make the point that anything they have received came from God and, therefore, they have no reason to boast. Spend some time answering and discussing the questions Paul asks in v. 7.

  • Song: “Show Us Christ” by Bob Kauflin & Doug Plank

Day 2

  • Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:8

  • Discussion: In this verse, Paul likely is exercising some sarcastic rhetoric. Many in Corinth bragged on themselves, and Paul was using some humor to address their attitude. What are some signs in the text that Paul is utilizing some wit in pointing out their ludicrous bragging? Do we see that kind of pride displayed in churches today?

  • Song: “Blessed Be Your Name” by Matt & Beth Redman

Day 3

  • Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:9-13

  • Discussion: After he chastised the church in Corinth for their pride, Paul then turns his attention to how much he and his partners in ministry have suffered. Spend some time discussing the difficulties that Paul experienced. How might Paul respond to the heretical prosperity gospel popular in our day and age?

  • Song: “Blessings” by Laura Story

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