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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 3/14/21

Sinclair Ferguson has written an excellent book designed to prepare our hearts for Easter, To Seek and To Save: Daily Reflections on the Road to the Cross. It begins with Luke 9:51 where it states that Jesus began focusing His attention on His impending crucifixion. Ferguson has selected numerous encounters Jesus had with individuals and groups in Luke’s gospel as He headed toward the cross. As such, Ferguson wants us to use these passages of Scripture to prepare our hearts as we journey toward our annual remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection on Resurrection Sunday. Our devotional thoughts are taken directly from Ferguson’s book with page numbers noted for further reference.

Day 1

  • Scripture: Luke 9:51

  • Discussion: “Just as Jesus kept his sights fixed on his destination all the way along the road to Jerusalem, make sure you keep your eyes on him; for this is the key not only to this journey but to understanding the whole gospel message. Reflect: When you read the Gospels, do you tend to look for Jesus or only for a reflection of yourself? What do you see of Jesus in this verse that moves you to praise him?” (p. 13, “The Disciples Who Noticed the Mark”)

  • Song: “All I Have Is Christ” by Jordan Kauflin

Day 2

  • Scripture: Luke 17:5-10

  • Discussion: “One day [Jesus] will say to his servants, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant…Enter into the joy of your master’ (Matthew 25:21, 23). On that day you will not be likely to respond, ‘Yes, it was rather well done, wasn’t it?’ No—you will say, perhaps through tears of joy, ‘Lord what did I ever do to deserve your commendation?’ And he will say, My child, even my “well done” is all of my grace. Reflect: When I see by faith that I am nothing and Christ is everything, then I can receive by faith everything he has for me. If Christ were to say to you, ‘Well done…’ what do you think your instinctive response would be?” (p. 66-67, “The Apostles Who Wanted to Grow”)

  • Song: “Well Done” by Jason Ingram, Matt Fuqua & Joshua Havens

Day 3

  • Scripture: Luke 17:11-19

  • Discussion: “At the beginning of the story ten lepers ‘stood at a distance’ (17:12). At the end, nine former lepers still stood at a distance. Only one praised God and returned to ‘[fall] on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks’ (v 16). Does a ten per cent rate of thanksgiving shock you? But, then, when were you last thankful to Christ, and for what? Reflect: When did you last fall ‘at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks’ because of what he has done for you? Why not spend some time doing that now? (p. 70, “The One out of Ten”)

  • Song: “Jesus, Thank You” by Pat Sczebel

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