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Family Devotional Guide - 3/22/20

Tabernacle Baptist Church


  • SCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:19-24; Job 1:1, 22

  • DISCUSSION: Timothy was a man of character. In light of the recent coronavirus pandemic, how can we display character like Timothy? What practical ways must we be careful with regard to character during times like these? How does the current pandemic and a need for character relate to Job 1:1, 22?

  • SONG: “Not for a Moment (After All)” by Jacob Sooter, Meredith Andrews & Mia Fieldes


  • SCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:25-30; Luke 17:7-10

  • DISCUSSION: Epaphroditus was a man of commitment. In light of the recent coronavirus pandemic, how can we still be committed like Epaphroditus? While the coronavirus will impact our ability to gather together as a church (and thus impact worship service commitment), what are other ways we can exercise godly commitment?

  • SONG: “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” by George Duffield & Adam Geibel


  • SCRIPTURE: 2 Peter 3:18

  • DISCUSSION: Bro. Tom gave six qualities about Timothy and Epaphroditus. He made the point that Timothy was a man of: 1. sound doctrine, 2. Sincere care, and 3. Who sought the things of Christ. Epaphroditus: 4. Had a balanced spiritual life, 5. Had a burden for others, and 6. Was a blessing to others. Of these 6 qualities, where do you struggle? How can you improve in those areas? Why are these things important?

  • SONG: “Higher Ground” by Johnson Oatman, Jr. & Charles H. Gabriel

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