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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 5/17/20


  • SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:1-8

  • DISCUSSION: List all the characteristics of the one who is blessed. What does he or she do? What is the focus of his or her life? Spend some time praying through this passage, asking the Lord to keep your way pure and help you walk in the law of the Lord, etc.

  • SONG: “Speak, O Lord” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend


  • SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:9-16

  • DISCUSSION: What does it mean to store up the Word of God in your heart? Would you say that you are doing that faithfully? If not, consider beginning a plan to memorize Scripture. The Navigators has provided a great list you may want to use:

  • SONG: “How Firm a Foundation” (author unknown)


  • SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:105

  • DISCUSSION: In this verse, the psalmist describes the Word of God as a “lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” What do the words lamp and light indicate about the Word of God? What do the words feet & path imply? What would it look like to try and walk and follow a path in total darkness? Discuss how neglecting the Word of God in our own lives would make life as difficult (and dangerous) as walking around in total darkness.

  • SONG: “Thy Word” by Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith

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