Our current Family Devotional Guide series is an exploration of the 119th psalm. This lengthy psalm is an acrostic psalm broken up into 22 stanzas, and we are covering one stanza each week. We pray this psalm, which focuses on the Word of God itself, will strengthen you in your walk with the Lord!
Day 1
Scripture: Psalm 119:25-26
Discussion: In this section, the psalmist appears to be in a desperate place in some way. What do you think he meant by “My soul clings to the dust?” How does the Lord use a sense of spiritual desperation in our lives? The psalmist declared that the Lord answered him. In what way do you think the Lord answered Him? Why do you think it was important to the psalmist to be taught the statutes of the Lord? What does this tell us about priorities?
Song: “Lord, I Need You” by Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill & Matt Maher
Day 2
Scripture: Psalm 119:27-29
Discussion: Why is it important to ask the Lord to “Make me understand?” What does this tell us about the need for the Holy Spirit to instruct us? What does it mean to “meditate on your wondrous works?” How can we incorporate meditation during the course of our everyday lives? Why did the psalmist melt away for sorrow? What do you think caused him such grief? Spend some time praying that the Lord would “put false aways far from” you.
Song: “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death” by Jordan Kauflin, Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa & Matthew Merker
Day 3
Scripture: Psalm 119:30-32
Discussion: This section ends with four “I” statements. In verse 30, he states that he had “chosen the way of faithfulness” and then declared, “I set your rules before me.” In verse 31, he declared, “I cling to your testimonies.” In verse 32, he declared, “I will run in the way of your commandments.” Evaluate your heart and consider whether the law of God is your true priority. Pray and ask the Lord to help you have a greater reverence for (and obedience to) the Word of God.
Song: “Worthy of Worship” by Mark Blankenship & Terry W. York