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Family Devotional Guide - 9/22/24

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Our current Family Devotional Guide series is an exploration of the 119th psalm.  This lengthy psalm is an acrostic psalm broken up into 22 stanzas, and we are covering one stanza each week. We pray this psalm, which focuses on the Word of God itself, will strengthen you in your walk with the Lord!


Day 1

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:161-163

  • Discussion: Who persecutes the psalmist? Why might he be persecuted? What is the psalmist’s response to that persecution? In verse 162, we see the psalmist declaring that he rejoices in the word of God like someone finding treasure. Does this describe your response to the Bible? What does the psalmist hate? What does this tell us about how we should respond to lies, deception, false teaching, etc.?

  • Song: “O Church, Arise” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

Day 2

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:164-166

  • Discussion: How many times a day does the psalmist praise the Lord for His “righteous rules?” What does this tell us about His reverence for the law of God? What characterizes those who love God’s law (cf. v. 165)? The psalmist states in verse 166 that he “hope[s] for your salvation, O Lord” and obeys His commandments. Discuss the importance of trusting in the Lord alone for salvation and then devoting ourselves to good works as Christians to bring glory to Him.

  • Song: “Worthy of Worship” by Mark Blankenship & Terry W. York

Day 3

  • Scripture: Psalm 119:167-168

  • Discussion: The psalmist tells the Lord, “My soul keeps your testimonies.” Why does the psalmist obey the Lord? Why is it important for us to love the word of God? How does that impact our level of obedience as well as the sincerity of our obedience? The psalmist ends this section by stating that “all my ways are before you.” How should we react knowing that the Lord knows everything about us?

  • Song: “All I Have Is Christ” by Jordan Kauflin

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