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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

Following After Jesus (Luke 9:23-27) - 9/17/23


  • Previous… Peter professes who Christ is

  • Now, Jesus is sharing the cost of believing it and living this life out (totally and faithfully)

  • Jesus’ mission becomes our mission

  • Discipleship is followship

  • Discipleship requires a cross

  • Two Crosses

    • His

    • Mine

IF anyone would come after me… DISCIPLESHIP

  • IF….

  • We were dead, but now are alive.

  • The life of a Chrisitan should be radically different than the unconverted.

  • We say we believe in the Gospel, have accepted the Gospel, what about LIVING OUT THE GOSPEL.


Deny self

  • Me, Me, Me

    • The wrong – I need, I desire, I am due, I am owed

    • The right – I find my hope/passion in HIM THROUGH ME

  • Me nothing. Him everything

  • How is it working with me in charge?

  • Allow Him to be who He is… in our life

  • We can only have one master in life….HE IS SAVIOR AND LORD!

Take up the Cross

  • Understand our purpose EMBRACE your purpose

    • Vision, Passion, Determination

  • Follow God’s Word LISTEN to God’s Word

  • Prepare to suffer LEARN to handle adversity

    • Setbacks and Suffering

  • Anticipate His presence and glory – LIVE for His Glory

    • No glory without the cross.

Galatians 2:20 – Crucified with Christ

Galatians 5:24 – Crucified the flesh and its passions

Follow after Him

  • Obedience

    • Love, Listen, and Do

  • Continuous

  • Joyous


WHOEVER…Gain or loss

Lose – the satisfactions of this world

Gain – The satisfaction of being in the presence of JESUS

THE JUDGMENT – vv. 25-26

Gains the whole world

  • Everything this life has to offer (Christless life)

  • Ambitions, achievements, pleasures

Ashamed of me

  • Jesus the ultimate and eternal judge

  • Those that DO NOT deny self, take up the cross, and follow Him

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