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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

Giving Up Our Rights for the Sake of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:1-18) - 5/22/22


  • Paul is addressing Christian liberties and rights

  • What we can do / What we should do

  • The encouragement is to keep one’s interest not on oneself, but rather on the Gospel

  • All for the sake of the Gospel

    • Giving up “our rights” for the sake of the Gospel

Paul’s Rights and Privileges – vv. 1-12a

The rights that Paul possessed as an apostle

  • He had seen Christ

  • He was sent by Christ

Paul was justified in having the church support his ministry

  • Because of His calling

  • Because of his ministry


  • He knew his position was not as important as his purpose

  • He was part of something much greater than himself

Paul’s Lessons in Forgoing His Rights – vv. 12b-18

Endure all things for the Gospel– v. 12

  • Endurance – keeping on when things are not the best

    • Key is how we respond to the things of life

  • He did not want to put an obstacle in the way of the Gospel

Boast only in the Gospel – v. 15

  • What did he have to boast in?

  • Him nothing… The Gospel everything.

  • Boast… found joy

  • Romans 15:17 – In Christ Jesus he was proud of his work

  • We forgotten about GRACE

  • Paul would not boast in his ministry but in the Gospel of his ministry.

Preach the Gospel – v. 16

  • Woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel

  • Preach, Teach, Proclaim

  • Salvation and Sanctification

  • Listen to, Trust in, Live out

Steward the Gospel – v. 17

  • Steward God’s resources

  • He was not REWARDED… as if he had done something

  • Rather, he was a steward (managed what was given)

    • Our gifts

    • Times, Talents, Treasures

    • Our Purpose and Passion

  • Colossians 1:24-27

Concluding Thoughts

  • How easy is it for us to think highly of ourselves? (I see at times in ministry)

  • What we are entitled to may not be what is best… we may need to forgo our rights for the sake fo the Gospel.

  • What if our greatest desire was for the Gospel to be proclaimed through our life?

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