God’s righteousness in everyday life (LIVING OUT CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS)
Application of the theological truths from Chapters 1-11
Verses 1-2 – Our life before the Lord
Verses 3-8 – Life within the Church.
Verses 9-21 – Everyday living, Our life before others.
THIS IS HARD… for me and others. (my flesh)
The Go and Do of being a Christ follower.
Bless those that persecute you – v. 14
Bless those
Speak well of (a friend)
Who Persecute you
literally… to pursue
verbally, mentally, physically (history of the church)
Endure when – 1 Corinthians 4:12
To “bless” one’s persecutors obviously includes not responding in kind but forgiving them, wishing them well, and praying for them. This response to one’s persecutors can be accomplished only by the grace of Christ.[1]
Rejoice and Weep with others – v. 15
True joy, not fake joy. Not envy joy.
Be glad that people may have what you may want
Sensitive to the disappointment of others.
Luke 19:41-44. A concern for their condition
The Church is many parts and ONE body
1 Corinthians 12:21-31 (v. 26)
Avoid haughtiness – v. 16
Live in harmony with one another… not haughty
The same mind of one another
Do not be wise in your own eyes
Take a good look in the mirror. Remember who you are
Paul… 1 Corinthians 15:10 – But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me. (ESV)
Live above reproach – v. 17
Repay no one evil for evil
Do not retaliate
1 Peter 3:8–9 – [8] Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. [9] Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing (ESV)
Give thought to what is honorable
Honorable – pleasing to God, beneficial to others
Our conduct should meet the standards of the Gospel
Strive for peace– v. 18
Never compromising the truth of scripture, but willing to go the extra mile.
To goal should not be RIGHT, but be an instrument for REDEMPTION
If possible…Depends on you (Live in peace)
Do what you know God would have you do.
What you can control.
No fault of ours when issues may arise
Overcome evil with good – v. 19-21
Never avenge yourself
Leave it to God
Overcome evil with good
To NOT do something is one thing (I will not avenge)
TO DO something is another (do something for them)
Heaping coals upon his head (carrying around a pan of coals on your head… shame over your guilt)
Look at life through the lens of the Gospel.
Who I was. (God’s Grace)
What others need (God’s Grace)
Listen and learn where people are.
WE KNOW the Gospel is what they need.
Be willing to listen so that you can share.
Listen before we speak.
Focus on establishing relationships
Seeing people through the redemptive process
Hearing, Believing, Living