Jesus has called 12 and sent them out as ambassadors. He is encouraging and equipping them with the TRUTH FOR MISSION.
There will be either BLESSINGS OR WOES
Now he begins to lay it out in specifics.
First….Love your enemies!
How hard is this? LOVE YOUR ENEMIES
Love – Agape
A selfless and sacrificial love
Who are we to love – vv. 27-28
Love your enemies
Do good to those that hate you
Bless those who curse you
Pray for those who abuse you
How are we to love – vv. 29-30
In word and deed. Love is doing
We are not to be passive… the focus is concern for them.
We should not become angry and retaliate in angry revenge.
Jesus prayed for His enemies and died for them.
The focus is OUR HEART. THE HEART OF HOW WE RESPOND to others.
Luke 23:34 – “Father forgive them”
Why are we to love – vv. 31-36
Because we would want to be treated the same way – v. 31
Golden rule
It is a confirmation of our salvation – vv. 32-34
If a sinner can treat others well
How much more should believers respond
We will be rewarded vv. 35-36
Doing what we need to do, how we need to do it, and when we need to do it.
God will bless/reward us when we love Him and obey Him (Live for and follow after Him)
His presence and His peace
The reward in view here is not the eternal, heavenly reward mentioned in 6:23, but one in the world of men. When Christians love with the unconditional, supernatural love God puts in their hearts (Rom. 5:5), sinners will be astounded. This is a love that is foreign to their experience, and shows that those who manifest it are sons of the Most High (a name used fifty times of God that emphasizes His sovereignty). It validates the gospel’s claim to have the power to supernaturally transform those who believe it. JOHN MACARTHUR, LUKE 6–10, MACARTHUR NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY (CHICAGO, IL: MOODY PUBLISHERS, 2011), 108.
The reason WE CAN LOVE – vv. 36
We were undeserving, yet we have been redeemed because of God’s grace and mercy.
He is merciful – therefore we have the means to be merciful
We received, so we should also demonstrate.
WE CAN, because we have CHRIST IN US
It is easy for me to love those that love me, but I must continue to learn to love those that do not love me.
I cannot change their heart, but I can work on my heart.
I received God’s mercy; therefore I should also learn to extend mercy.
Ephesians 5:1-2 Imitate HIM