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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

Our Hope in Christ (Ephesians 2:1-10) - 3/31/24


  • Easter Sunday.  He is Risen?

  • Luke 24:36-49; Acts 1:1-11

  • What now? What does this mean for us today?

  • I am afraid we have turned Easter into and event.

  • Sunday best… going to church

  • Easter is about a person

  • And the hope we have in that Person…JESUS

  • As we consider:

  • Who we were without Christ


We are spiritually dead – v. 1

  • Dead to spiritual things

  • Not sick, but dead

  • In trespasses and sins

We are spiritually enslaved – vv. 2-3a

  • Dead, but alive

  • To the world

  • Values and morals apart from God’s truth

  • To the devil

  • To our own flesh

  • Sin nature

We are spiritually condemned – v. 3b

  • Children of wrath


But God did something!

God’s rich mercy – v.4a

  • Not getting what we do deserve

God’s great love – v. 4b

God’s immeasurable grace – v. 7

  • Giving us what we do not deserve

  • His Grace through Faith

  • Precious gift of eternal life

We are alive together with Christ – v. 5

  • Clothed with His righteousness

  • Resurrection power…ALIVE

We are raised up in Christ – v. 6a

  • Death to life

  • New creation

We are seated with Christ – v. 6b

  • Authority

  • Lord and master


So that we may live for Christ.

  • It is a gift

  • His workmanship

  • Our value, purpose, mission

  • For good works

  • Living for His glory

  • Which God prepared before hand


  • Walk in them

  • Daily, Passionately, Purposefully

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