Thank you, Tabernacle, for your expressions of concern, prayer and sympathy regarding the loss of my son, Tim. Of course, the situation was completely unexpected, and we are devastated at the loss of a young man who was full of life and love for others. He leaves behind a precious wife, Lindsey, and a daughter, Abigail, age 11. Your prayers for them will be much needed and appreciated. Thank you for giving me the time to deal with this emotionally, to take care of my family and to heal. You have been extremely kind and gracious, and I am humbled by your love.
God willing, we will return to the book of Daniel this coming Sunday, March 21. As I said two weeks ago when I previously planned to preach this message, the subject is Daniel’s vision of the future. He is dealing in Chapter 11 with the coming “Great Rebellion.” There is much history in the chapter which some might find on the boring side. However, let us remember that history is HIS story! It tells, primarily, of the great plan of redemption that God set in place to provide for the salvation of our souls. Further, history is a great teacher if we are willing to study it and learn the lessons it gives us.
Please continue to be in prayer for our service on Easter Sunday, April 4. We are encouraging each church member to pray for 5 people over the 5 weeks we have leading up to Resurrection Day. Of course, we want you to invite them to join us at TBC for a great day of worshiping the Risen the Lord. We will sing and preach the Gospel.
This Wednesday, March 17, we will be back in the study of the book “The Church,” chapter 11, looking at the Elements of Worship. What does the Bible say about the “how” of worship? Are we free to do it any way that pleases us or does Scripture give us a more definitive approach? The difference is in what is known as the normative approach versus the regulative approach. I think it is critical for us to know the difference. I am making available my own “Philosophy of Worship” for you to read and study.
As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together!
Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom