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Pastor's Blog: Psalm 11

Tabernacle Baptist Church

We will continue drive-in services through the last Sunday of May. Last Sunday we had our largest crowd yet – 71 in attendance! The service will also broadcast in the area of the church on AM 1610, and live streamed on Facebook.

Our Memorial Day weekend concert in the parking lot is set for Saturday, May 23 at 7 pm. This will be a better time of day of lawn chairs. The rules for drive-in worship will be in effect for this concert – in other words, the building will not be open for any reason. Please join us!

This coming Sunday I will be preaching from Psalm 11. The message is titled “If the Foundations Be Destroyed.” Please pray and prepare your heart to hear from the Lord. How are we as believers to respond to the attacks on our religious liberties that seem to have expanded during the pandemic? What are we obligated to do as believers in the midst of society that seems intent on destroying the foundations of all that is good and holy? We will try to answer those questions on Sunday.

We will be back in the building for worship on June 7!!! We have developed a “Welcome Home” page on the website that will give the details. Please be patient and realize that the page represents current planning that is subject to change. For the latest updates please check this page:

I have a special message planned for that day from Psalm 122, where David says, “I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord.'" We have ordered Lord’s Supper supplies that we can use which will allow to have observe the ordinance in a safe and healthy manner. We are planning this for our first gathering in the building but it will be contingent on getting the supplies in.

We are having a great time with our Wednesday night prayer service live on Facebook at 7 pm. The Q & A on the Bible with Pastor Tom has been interesting and I believe we are learning a lot.

Send your questions directly to my email account please, Please put in the subject line–TBC Q & A. Or go to our website: - there is a form you can fill out with your question and it will come to me.

Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the church during these difficult days. Please remember that the church’s financial needs continue. You can mail your tithe check to the church (please use the new PO Box) or give online at:

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together – from our cars, trucks, living rooms, dens, and other locations! Pray!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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