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Pastor's Blog: The Scripture of Truth!

Tabernacle Baptist Church

This coming Sunday, February 7, Lord willing, we will begin a two week look at Daniel chapter 10. The title of the messages will be Daniel’s Persistence and a Vision of Glory.” As we progress through the rest of the book of Daniel, it will detail his vision of the end times. This is why the book is sometimes referred to as the Revelation of the Old Testament. In verse 21 the Angel Gabriel says, “But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth.” Of course, this is a reference to the Word of God. Throughout our series in Daniel, we have consistently noted that Daniel was in a position to be used of God in a great and mighty way because he knew his Bible. He was a Bible man with a Bible ministry!

Daniel was able to see a marvelous vision of the Lord Jesus Christ! He was given a glimpse into the glorious time period that will immediately precede the coming of the Lord. But if we carefully consider the context, we will understand that Daniel was in position to receive these revelations from God because he was a man of prayer! Perhaps you recall one of the things we said of Daniel when we considered the story of his encounter in the lion’s den. We commented, “Never throw a hungry lion in a den with a praying man.” Daniel walked with Lord and thus he able to talk with the Lord.

I trust that you are getting the emphasis we are making on prayer of late. It’s intentional. If we expect God to work in our church, we must become serious about our prayer lives. This Sunday my emphasis is going to be on getting serious with God. I use an acronym sometimes, DWY. Daily in devotion, Weekly in worship, Yearly yielding to the Lordship of Christ. I will cover this in the message; it’s a good guideline for your spiritual walk with the Lord. The following message will deal with how we can have peace while in the midst of doing spiritual warfare.

On Wednesdays we are continuing our look at the purpose of the church, and will be studying the rest of chapter 8 in Jeffrey Johnson’s excellent book, “The Church.” We are looking at the methodology the church employs to accomplish its mission. The Bible is very clear in its direction to us on the how of ministry. Methodology is important, and God wants us to do His work His way.

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday. Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom

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