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Roots of the Faith - Spiritual Disciplines: How to Have a Quiet Time - 10/16/24

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Over the next several weeks we will be walking through the following Spiritual Disciplines:

  • Bible Intake

  • Prayer

  • Worship

  • Evangelism

  • Serving

  • Stewardship

  • Fasting

  • Silence and Solitude

  • Journaling

  • Learning

  • Perseverance in the Disciplines

Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Revised and Updated. (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2024)

The book that will guide our study: GET IT AND READ IT!!!!! We have a few available at church.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, there should naturally be a desire to grow daily in your relationship with Him. A crucial step to accomplishing this is by spending time daily in the Word and in prayer. I refer to this as my Quiet Time. My goal is to spend time each morning reading and contemplating Scripture, followed by time in prayer. Here are a few practical steps that I believe can help you begin and maintain a daily time alone with God.

1. Make a Commitment to Observe a Daily Quiet Time

  • Decide that your Quiet Time will be your first priority each day.

  • Decide that each morning or evening you will avoid thoughts like, “After a while, I will have my quiet time. But first, I must …”

2. Develop a Plan for Observing Your Daily Quiet Time.

  • Choose a quiet place with minimal distractions to read your Bible and take notes.

  • Make your spot a daily habit. (Me… get my coffee and get to my spot)

Part 1: Getting in His Word – Bible Study

Begin your Quiet Time by reading a passage of Scripture. Select and read a daily passage prayerfully, asking God to speak to you as you read it.

As you read ask the Lord to call to your attention any:

  • Examples to follow

  • Attitudes to change

  • Commands to obey

  • Errors to confess

  • Sins to quit

  • Promises to claim

  • Truths to embrace

Remember to Read the Word, Mediate on the Word, and then Apply the Word into your life.  Use a notebook to make a record of the insights you gain as God speaks to you through His Word.

Part 2: Talking and Listening to God – Prayer

As you commune God each day, be sure your conversation covers these five areas:

1. Adoration / Praise

  • Adoration for His greatness and His glory.

  • Praise for who He is and for what He has done.

2. Confession

  • Ask the Lord to make you aware of any sins in your life.

  • Confess each sin individually to the Lord.

  • Agree with God that the sin is wrong.

  • Express your desire to avoid these sins in the future.

  • Claim by faith His forgiveness.

  • Right the wrong to whatever extent you can.

  • Accept by faith the fact that you are totally cleansed (1 John 1:9)

3. Thanksgiving

Colossian 3:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:18

  • Express your thankfulness for specific things.

  • Cultivate a general attitude of thankfulness whatever the circumstance (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

4. Intercession – Praying for Others

  • Pray for the needs of other people.

  • Make a list and pray through it.

  • Follow through by checking on those you have been praying for.

5. Petition – Praying for Yourself

  • Pray for spiritual growth.

  • Pray for your material needs.

  • Share with God the desires of your heart and trust Him to respond in the best possible way.

REMEMBER… God will never demand perfection, but He does desire faithfulness and obedience.

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