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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

Roots of the Faith - The Incommunicable Attributes of God: Independence - 1/11/23


  • The incommunicable attributes are God’s characteristics or perfections, as revealed by Scripture, that God does not communicate, or share, with human beings.” (Gregg R. Allison, page 73)

  • “The foundation of all true knowledge of God must be a clear mental apprehension of His perfections as revealed in Holy Scripture. An unknown God can neither be trusted, served, nor worshipped.” A.W. Pink

  • When we get our view of God right… then we can get our life right.

    • Right Belief – Right Living



  • God is independent and self-sufficient.

  • Creation is dependent upon Him.

    • Wrong – God needs you

    • Right – God needs nothing

God does not need us or the rest of creation for anything, yet we and the rest of creation can glorify him and bring him joy. WAYNE GRUDEM, PAGE 190.
God is independent of all things. He is perfectly self-sufficient, not depending on anything outside himself for anything, and is therefore the eternal, foundational being, the source of life and sustenance for all other beings. JOHN MACARTHUR, PAGE 168.

A Look in the Word

(John MacArthur, page 169)

  1. As Yahweh, God is self-existent, having life in and of himself. Ex. 3:14; John 5:26

  2. God existed before all things, and through him alone all things exist. Ps. 90:2; 1 Cor. 8:6; Rev. 4:11

  3. God is Lord of all. Deut. 10:17; Josh. 3:13

  4. He depends on nothing; all things depend on him. Rom. 11:36

  5. He is the source of everything. Deut. 32:39; Isa. 45:5–7; 54:16; John 5:26; 1 Cor. 8:6

  6. He does as He wills. Ps. 115:3; Isa. 46:10–11; 64:8; Jer. 18:6; Dan. 4:35; Rom. 9:19–21; Eph. 1:5; Rev. 4:11

  7. His counsel is the basis of everything. Ps. 33:10–11; Prov. 19:21; Isa. 46:10; Matt. 11:25–26; Acts 2:23; 4:27–28; Eph. 1:5, 9, 11

  8. He does everything for His own sake. Josh. 7:9; 1 Sam. 12:22; Pss. 25:11; 31:3; 79:9; 106:8; 109:21; 143:11; Prov. 16:4; Isa. 48:9; Jer. 14:7, 21; Ezek. 20:9, 14, 22, 44; Dan. 9:19

  9. He needs nothing, being all-sufficient. Job 22:2–3; Acts 17:25

  10. He is the first and the last. Isa. 41:4; 44:6; 48:12; Rev. 1:8; 21:6; 22:13

  11. He is independent in His mind (Rom. 11:33–35), his will (Dan. 4:35; Rom. 9:19; Eph. 1:5; Rev. 4:11), his counsel (Ps. 33:11; Isa. 46:10), his love (Hos. 14:4), and his power (Ps. 115:3)

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