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Roots of the Faith: The Truthfulness of Scripture - 11/2/22

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Helpful Resources for this Study


  • Truthfulness (inerrancy) is an attribute of Scripture by which whatever it affirms corresponds to reality, and it never affirms anything that is contrary to fact. It also means that Scripture never contradicts itself. (Gregg Allision, pg. 16)

  • The inerrancy of Scripture means that Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact. (Wayne Grudem, pg. 90)

  • The Bible is inspired, but is it inerrant, that is without errors? The reason for a positive answer is simple: The Bible is the Word of God, and God cannot err; therefore, the Bible cannot err. To deny the inerrancy of the Bible one must either affirm that God can err or else that the Bible is not the Word of God.

  • Historical Confessions of Faith regarding Scripture

We believe the Bible is inerrant– without error.

We believe the Bible is infallible – unable to be wrong or mislead. Never wrong.

Key Scripture Verses (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21)

Jesus considered Scripture as true:

If we consider Jesus as our Savior and Lord, then it would follow that we would believe what he believes.

Therefore, we believe:

  • Scripture is absolutely true

  • Scripture is absent of error

  • Scripture never contradicts itself


  • We can trust the Word as true

    • In the original text and properly interpreted

  • It is not a matter of one’s opinion, but rather what God’s intended the Word to say and mean. Not many meanings, but one.

  • This should give us great joy, passion, and confidence.

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