Jesus continues to teach
He is asked a question by the Pharisees and then the disciples respond with their own question.
The coming of the Kingdom. WHEN and WHERE
We all the same questions as they did
Matthew 24:36 The end is coming… That we do know.
The “already” and the “not yet” of the kingdom
The Already (Now) – vv. 20-21
The Pharisees ask – When will the kingdom of God come? – v. 20
Old Testament looks for the coming Kingdom. New Testament… it is at hand. Matthew 3:1-2; 4:17
The King is coming
The King is here – He inaugurated the Kingdom
The King is on His throne
The King will return – His triumphal return when He will fully consummate His reign.
Kingdom. The dynamic reign of God as sovereign over creation. Although the roots of the term lie in the OT, the Christian understanding arises more specifically from Jesus’ proclamation of the inbreaking of God’s rule. Hence the kingdom is God’s divine, kingly reign as proclaimed and inaugurated by Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection, and the subsequent outpouring of the Spirit into the world. In this sense Christ is reigning now, and the kingdom of God has arrived. At the same time the church awaits the future consummation of the divine reign. This “already” and “not yet” dimension of the kingdom of God implies that it is both a given reality (or the divine power at work in the present) and a process that is moving toward its future fulfillment or completion[1]
Not in ways that can be observed – v. 20
People will not be able to predict or plot the progress of His coming
They were looking for political and national (Jewish people)…RATHER THAN SPIRITUAL AND UNIVERSAL
The kingdom is in the midst of you – v. 21
The kingdom is present in Jesus Christ. (THE READY)
Physically in their presence
Post cross!!!! In our presence today.
The Not Yet (The Future) – vv. 22-37
Days of the Son of Man – v. 22
The ultimate consummation of the Kingdom of God
The Lord’s ultimate return to establish the Kingdom
You will not see it – v. 22
The disciples will not be alive
He will be absent…until
His return will be obvious – v. 24
It will be obvious, unmistakable, public
First, He must suffer and be rejected – v. 25
Passion prediction. His crucifixion.
Noah and Lot – vv. 26-30
Ordinary living. eating, drinking, marring, buying, selling, planting, building
One that day when the Son of Man is revealed) – vv. 31-33
The temporal and the eternal
Goods in house
Don’t turn back
Loses life, will gain it
The Consequences of that day – vv. 34-35
One will be taken
Probably a reference to judgment
The disciples ask their question – v. 37
Where Lord
Look for the vulture
The What Now
Embrace King Jesus… HE IS IN YOUR MIDST
Be ready for the Lord’s return
Keep your priorities in order
Go and fulfill the Great Commission
Make disciples!
For Further Study
[1] Stanley Grenz, David Guretzki, and Cherith Fee Nordling, Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 71.