From judgement to hope
Hope now, and ultimate hope later
The future glory of Zion
The Hill of Zion – vv. 1-2
Latter Days
End of history… as we know it
The temporal to the eternal
God’s ultimate Kingdom
A sharp contrast to the corruption of Micah’s day
Mountain of the House of the Lord
High and lifted up
Visible by all
People shall flow to it (like a river)
Many nations shall come
He may teach us His ways
In Micah’s day the priest were silent
In this day… the Word of God will be proclaimed for all to hear
People will desire to hear from God
That we may walk in your paths
The Nations will experience peace and safety – vv. 3-5
He will judge
by His Word. Truth
Swords, Plowshares
From constant war to peace
Sit under vine. Not afraid
Security. No fear
Walk in the name of the Lord
No longer walking after false gods
The weak shall become strong – vv. 6-7
Assemble. Gather. Like a shepherd
The remnant will be restored
Lord will reign over them forever
The shepherd king shall reign forever!!!!!