"The Judgment Seat of Christ"
2 Corinthians 5:8-11
Background: The Confidence of Our Standing in Christ (vv. 6-8)
(1) Walking by Faith (vv. 6-7)
(2) Well Pleased in Life or Death (v. 8)
a. Our Ambition: To Be Pleasing to God (vv. 8-9)
(1) Get a Proper Perspective (4:16-18)
(2) Get into the Presence of the Holy Spirit (5:5)
(3) Be Pleased to be "Here, there, or in the air" (5:8)
b. Our Attitude: To be Prepared to Meet God (v. 10)
1. Note the Contrast.
2. Note the Confidence.
3. Note the Certainty.
c. Our Action: To persuade others for God (v. 11)
(1) The Proper Fear of the Lord
(2) The Persuading Faith of the believer
(3) The Persistent Favor of the Lord (Isaiah 54:4-5; 53:3-6)