Religious leaders are questioning Jesus.
Who He is. Who He is from. How He impacts humanity
They thought he would apologize, but instead…
Declared 3 WOES
Declaration of judgment
For their sin against God
Woes to the Lawyers for what did and did not do.
Blessing to those that live and do differently
The Woe – Their Service – Adding Legalistic Burdens
Adding more burdens (legalism and tradition), rather than taking them away.
Rather than giving freedom… they were heaping up burdens
They lacked… Offering the grace and mercy of the Gospel
What we can learn (the blessing)
Jeremiah 31:25 (refreshing through the New Covenant)
An invitation for the overloaded to come
Rest now and ultimately for eternity… the already and not yet
Good Shepherd Provides – Love, Care, Nourishment, Guidance, Protection
The Woe – Their Heart – The Hardness of Their Heart
Tombs of prophets
Their ancestors killed to messengers of God
Rejecting God’s plan of redemption
God’s means of Grace
The message from the prophets
The message from Christ
The message from the Church
They lacked receptive hearts
What we can learn (the blessing)
See yourself through the lens of the Gospel
See Christ through the lens of the Gospel
Respond now to the leading of the Spirit
The Woe – Their Message – Twisting the Truth of God’s Word
Not faithfully teaching God’s Word
Then… the proper application of the Law.
The Bible today
Hindering others form receiving God’s grace
Removing the key of knowledge
Robbing people of God’s Word
They lacked… Trusting God’s sufficient Word
What we can learn (the blessing)
The Gospel is our hope
The Word is our hope
We need to lift high the Word of God
We seem to be ashamed of it today
Believe and share the truth of God found in His Word
Clearly, Lovingly, Boldly…TRUSTING IN GOD TO WORK