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Family Devotional Guide - 10/30/22

Tabernacle Baptist Church

In light of October 31, 2022 being Reformation Day, this week’s devotional guide will focus on the Five Solas of the Reformation. On October 31st in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, detailing his disagreement with the Catholic Church in that list of 95 items.

So, we encourage you to spend 5 days this week discussing each of these great doctrines of the Protestant Reformation. As you consider each topic, answer these questions:

  • How do Roman Catholic & Protestant denominations differ on this issue?

  • In addition to the suggested Scripture passage provided, what other Bible verses apply to this doctrine and she more light on it?

  • Why is this doctrine so important? Do churches in America demonstrate proper observance of this doctrine?

The Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation

  1. Sola Scriptura (“Scripture Alone”) – By this doctrine, we mean that the Bible is the only rule for faith and practice. While we read other sources, only the Bible is fully authoritative. (Suggested Scripture: 2 Tim. 3:16-17)

  2. Solus Christus (“Christ Alone”) – Christ alone is the way of salvation. We are not saved by good works or anything else. It is only the finished work of Christ on the cross and His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection that can save. (Suggested Scripture: John 14:6)

  3. Sola Fide (“Faith Alone”) – We are saved through faith alone, not according to any works that we do. We can be saved only through believing in Christ. (Suggested Scripture: Rom. 3:28)

  4. Sola Gratia (“Grace Alone”) – We are saved by grace alone. It is the gracious act of God that saves us, not our works. Faith is the means by which we express trust in God’s grace to save us. Salvation is by grace alone from start to finish. (Suggested Scripture: Eph. 2:8-9)

  5. Soli Deo Gloria (“Glory of God Alone”) – Our salvation (and indeed, all of life) is for God’s glory alone. No one can take any credit for salvation (or anything). From life and breath to becoming a child of God, He gets the glory for it all! (Suggested Scripture: Col. 3:17)

Suggested Songs for Worship

  • “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” by Martin Luther & Frederick H. Hedge

  • “Reformation Hymn” by Bob Kauflin & Chris Anderson

  • “Grace Greater than Our Sin” by Daniel B. Towner & Julia H. Johnston

  • “In Christ Alone” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

  • “The Church’s One Foundation” by Samuel J. Stone & Samuel S. Wesley

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