Day 1
Scripture: Daniel 12:5-7
Discussion: In the sermon notes, these verses are grouped under the heading “The Calendar for the Refining.” God operates according to His plan, and we see that clearly when we consider eschatology (the study of the End Times). What insights do we gain from considering God’s sovereign plan? How might this impact our thoughts and behavior to remember that God is in complete control and has a plan for us and the world?
Song: “Indescribable” by Jesse Reeves & Laura Story
Day 2
Scripture: Daniel 12:8-9
Discussion: Many times the Lord’s plan is hard to understand. Daniel responded in v. 8 with confusion. When we have difficulty interpreting Scripture, how should we resolve any confusion or misunderstanding? We find much confusion about the End Times still exists today. Discuss some common misconceptions you have discovered concerning the End Times.
Song: “Speak, O Lord” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Day 3
Scripture: Daniel 12:10-13
Discussion: Verse 12 reminds us that “blessed is he who waits.” What does it mean to wait? What does it mean to be “blessed” due to your waiting? What other Scriptures remind us of the need to persevere?
Song: “Everlasting God” by Brenton Brown & Ken Riley