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Tabernacle Baptist Church

Family Devotional Guide - 8/13/23

For the rest of August, we’ll continue our “Songs of the Summer” series by utilizing some of the D-Life material from the psalms. This series will include selections that aren’t already being covered in this summer’s D-Life groups. For those not already involved in the D-Life groups, they will be launching soon. If you are interested in joining a group, please contact the church office and we can get you connected.

For this week’s lesson, we will be discussing Psalm 115:1-18. One suggested use for this material would be to break up the discussion questions into three days (and read the Bible study passage each time before discussing those questions).

Discussion Questions:

  • Why do you think some people chase after worldly fame and glory? What does it profit for a person to achieve this?

  • In this Psalm, the writer did not seek glory for himself but wanted all glory to be given to the Lord. In verse 1, why do you think the writer repeated the words, “Not to us?” What two specific reasons did the writer give for wanting all glory to be given to the name of the Lord (v. 1)?

  • What would cause other nations to mock the Israelites by asking, “Where is their God” (v. 2)? In what ways do skeptics use this same taunt today? What was the writer’s great reply to this mockery (v. 3)? What does the writer’s reply reveal about his understanding of the absolute sovereignty of God?

  • In what particular ways was the Sovereign God of Israel different from the idols of silver and gold of other nations (v. 4-7)? What are some of the idols that people worship today? What did the writer say about those who make and trust in idols and what do you think he meant by this (v. 8)?

  • What three groups did the writer instruct to “trust in the Lord” and who were these people (v. 9-11)? As great promises to claim, what did the writer say the Lord would do for all those who trust in Him (v. 12-14)?

  • According to the writer, who is the maker of heaven and earth (v. 15)? The heavens are the Lord’s heavens, but to whom has He given the earth (v. 16)? According to the opening words of this psalm, for what reason did God give the earth to us? How is this going so far? How is this going for you?

  • What did the writer say about “the dead” (v. 17)? How are the people of God different (v. 18)? According to this, is your church dead or alive? On most days, are you dead or alive? What will you do about this?

This week’s material is taken from Pastor Bill Wilks’ D-Life Study Guides (Old Testament 2, Week 28: Study of the Psalms).

Suggested Songs for Worship:

  • “Receive the Glory” by Bob Kauflin

  • “To God Be the Glory” by Fanny J. Crosby & William H. Doane

  • “All Glory Be to Christ” by Dustin Kensrue

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