What do we mean by the inspiration of Scripture?
Scripture has God as its author
Scripture was written by human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit worked through human authors.
Real people with real personalities
They remembered the events as they wrote
Did interviews (Luke)
Thought through it. Planned it out (Organization)
Revealed their own frustrations and short comings (Paul)
All Scripture is inspired
All Scripture means all words
Because of inspiration, we know the Bible is totally true
All Scripture is God-breathed, because the Holy Spirit super intended the biblical authors as they composed their writings, the Word of God. 50 CORE TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH – GREGG R. ALLISON
This is what theologians are referring to when they talk about the “inspiration” of Scripture: the idea that God “breathed into” the biblical writers. He did this by His Spirit: “Spirit” being the Greek word pneuma, meaning “breath.” So when God “breathed into” the writers of Scripture in this way, God was ensuring that what they wrote was what He wanted to say—and nothing else. HTTPS://WWW.LIGONIER.ORG/PODCASTS/SIMPLY-PUT/THE-INSPIRATION-OF-SCRIPTURE
Key Theological Terms
plenary inspiration – all scripture
verbal inspiration – all the words of Scripture
concursive inspiration– the Spirit and the human authors wrote together
Evidence of inspiration in the Old Testament
Moses understood God had given him the Word- Deut. 1:3
All the prophets – “Thus saith the Lord”
Evidence of inspiration in the New Testament
Jesus promised the coming of future truth and knowledge (New Testament)
The Spirit will come (and do) – John 14:25-26, John 16:12-15
The Spirit came (and did) – 1 Cor. 2:6-10
Through the Lord – 1 Thess. 4:1-3
Peter considered the writings of Paul as from God
The other Scriptures – 2 Peter 3:15-26
What now?
Scripture is from God, so therefore it has a divine authority.
Therefore it has to be true
We must embrace, consume, and live out the Word
We should treat it as “God breathed” and inspired by the Holy Spirit
The same Spirit that inspired the Word now abides and fills each believer.